On the way to burning man  


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Vote Across America  


Check out the blog of the guys who rode with me to Denver. It's the VOTE graffiti guy, Clark and his friend and photog, Nick. The feed is on the right or click here.


What a Spectacle!  


From my night attending the Spectacle event held at the world famous Spigel Tent last week.

Photos from The Portrait Corner

The Psychology of Blogging  


I often wonder why it is that people blog. Humans are social creatures. Most of us prefer to keep in contact with others. Is there a psychological aspect to this phenomenon? A need be heard or understood?

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KKoney Island Theme - Kostume Kult  


Here's a NY Times article on Burning Man. It is focused around our Kostume Kult camp.

From a slide show:

Fresh, Fuzzy, Warm and Juicy  


After an uneventful night in Cleveland the truck heads towards our diversion du jour. A short ferry ride brings us to Put-in-Bay, Ohio, a resort island set on Lake Erie.

The High Tide bar next to Axel and Harry's restaurant provides a spectacular setting. The late day sun shimmers as we sit sipping a cold cocktail at water's edge. As the sun approaches set, a full moon appears on the opposite horizon, eager to illuminate the summer sky.

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Monopoly Men - Who's In Control?  


More information about the mess we are in and how we are being led into a state of despotism. It's less than an hour... check it out if you have time. It's a good one.

Another must watch is Fiat Empire - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution, inspired by the book The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin. In it, you'll learn why our money is worthless. And how our national wealth has been stolen in violation of the Constitution.

BRC or Bust!  


From Brooklyn to Black Rock, an American Dream road trip has officially commenced.

I type this from the back seat of my extended cab pickup after having left NYC and the island of Manhattan, crossing over the George Washington bridge into NJ.

As the rain pours, I learn that it streams into the cab down the nylon strapping used to hold a luggage carrier to the rackless roof. Wow. I have my own private indoor waterfall. How special. [note to self: fix this].

Even though I knew for a week that I was leaving today, procrastination crept in just enough to allow for the proper spark of spontaneity that I prefer.

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Stolen Video Camera  


Well, looks like I won't be filming anything with my trusty, rusty and dusty old Panasonic DVX100a. That's because it got lifted from my truck the other week. I left it in open view like a noob. So, that's what I get.... I guess.

I suppose that means it's a sign to start editing all the piles of tapes I have collected over the years. Sort of a shitty way to get a hint though.

One more week in Brooklyn before hitting the road to Burning Man. The theme of the burn is American Dream. What better way to live it then on the open road of Highway USA!

See you out there soon.

Dubai Party  


Here's a little flavor of the fun had at these underground warehouse/loft parties. This video is from The New Pop.

You'll see a few of my friends from the House of Yes (Kae, Anya and Aaron). And yes, I do know lovable dennis, the naked guy....but not as well as he wishes.

Related post: House of Yes Benefit

Kostume Kult and Burning Man  


Aug 5, 2008 - On the eve of my birthday, I sit in a comfortable garden apartment on a quiet street in Park Slope, Brooklyn. Time keeps on rolling along. Seems like only yesterday I showed up on this planet. Another year passes. I feel younger each time I mark the occasion.

I've been given a very generous two week stay in the apartment of a super talented, highly gifted beautiful soul who graciously offered after meeting me for the first time only hours earlier.

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Money as Debt  


Debt, the American Way. A very informative look into monetary theory that you don't learn in public schools. Pay attention, there may be a test later...