House of Yes Benefit
0 commentsHey! What's up?! How've you been? Me? I'm good.
The sun is shining in Brooklyn as I type this. In fact, that reminds me of the song I heard performed last night at the House of Yes Benefit. There was a chorus that went something like:
It's snowing in Queens,The last two nights have been full of revelry, Light and charity. Friday night was the 3rd annual Black and Light Ball. Hundreds upon hundreds of us descended upon the meat packing district to dance, drink and dance some more. Mostly dance.
foggy in Manhattan,
there's rain up in the Bronx
and it's always shitty in Staten,
but the sun it shines in Brooklyn.
The theme focused around black lit fashion and style. There was a show by Wheylan that was off the hook. That boy can whip a pile of fabric into the hottest thing around. He might make me an outfit in exchange for a video shoot. I would be so honored to get a pair of hot pants made by his hand.
Needless to say it was a late night. The party went until 6am. Many of us left early and drove to the Wonderland house for an after party. But it was a quiet one. Just a small gathering which eventually led to a short stint on the couch to catch a few winks.

There was a silent auction in which yours truly won a bid on a couple gallons of gin that survived the fire. Stay tuned for the gin and juice house of yes mini happy hour party, coming soon to a mouth near you.
Carl Saytor snapped many a fine photo. They can all be seen on his Flicker page.
DJs, bands and performing artists donated their time and put on a hell of a show. Around 4am, the crowd rolled outside into the misty morning. Aerial artists rigged up a silk to the scaffolding outside the club and began to perform while a marching band filled the night air with sounds of celebration.

Saturday ended at Sunday sunrise as I settled in to sleep. Now, I sit at a friends in Dumbo, dawdling the day away. Maybe a meal is in the making. We'll see.
Until next time, have a wonderful weekend I hope to see you sometime soon, somewhere down the road.
Big Love,
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