The Drive Continues....  


St. Louis, MO - After a decent sleep, I awake to the sun rising over the fringe of the walmart parking lot.

William has already been out sitting with his dog and his "Traveling Thru...Anything Helps" cardboard sign.

He is positioned fifty yards from where we all slept, convenient to the drivers exiting the neighboring McDonalds.

The American people overflowed with generosity this morning. The total of their giving is $79.50 within a couple hours.

The most surprising contribution to their travel fund came from another street person, who must have been up on their luck. He bought them a meal and handed out $10!

Another kind soul donated a bag of food for the dog, a bowl and some rawhide chews.

Speaking of chewing... after I cook my fried polenta and egg burrito, we hit the road again.....

[video to follow once I get wifi and a chance to edit]

<sent from blackberry phone>

Driving to NYC  


I am sending this entry from my blackberry as I drive on I-70 in St Louis. It's 2:30am.

I picked up a couple riders from craigslist. Three to be exact, counting their dog Tucky.

They don't have much money for gas, but intend to pay their share of it to get to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. To obtain money, they ask for handouts at Wal-Mart.

Susie sleeps in the passenger seat. She looked really tired when I picked them up in Columbia, Missouri. William is with Tucky in the back seat. They must be about 20 years old.

I will get them as far as I can, as safely and comfortable as possible.

We will pull into the Wal-Mart in St. Ann, MO to sleep in ten minutes.

To be continued....

Last update from Wichita  


Wichita, still....  



Got cut short by a dog and a dead battery... more to come

Meeting up with  


See their blog at

Click To Play

Time to get out of Dodge  


In Kansas  


OK... I've finally left the Rocky Mountains. Making my way east to catch up with Bill Inman and Uncovering America.

I had somebody submit a donation to fund my documentary work and travels. Thank you! I am VERY grateful for the generosity and kindness. Eventually, I will actually make a living shooting video...

I don't always have internet access, so I am not always in a position to update or load videos. But I will get more up soon.

- Dallas

Leaving Paonia (Part 1)  



Daily Blah  


The Daily Blah  


Video Backlog  


I guess I am having too much fun to sit and compile the clips I've been shooting over the last month. Well....that or maybe some of my usual procrastination. By the way, there are some friends that have been waiting years for footage of some music events that we shared together.'ll see it. I promise.

While I do have a video backlog, I will still put up some fresh videos every other day or so.... or at least when I change locations.

Now, to this point, this vlog has been shot with a little 4.0 megapixel Minolta camera with video capture mode. Sure, it's low res, small lens and I can't really get too creative shooting with it. But, it's fairly quick, extremely portable and simple to grab the clips off the memory card.

Normally, I document with a Panasonic DVX100a. For those that don't speak geeky model numbers, it's just a high end digital video camera. It's good for filmmaking as it shoots at the same 24 frame per second rate as traditional film. It's not HD, but I like the look it gives.

My dvx has been through so much on this journey; submerged in a river, filled with playa dust from windstorms in the black rock desert, dropped off the roof of a truck and currently has the tripod mount broken... which sucks.

I'm sure I will be upgrading eventually and acquiring some equipment to help me produce on the road more easily ("more easily" that proper grammar?). I'd love to get some portable direct-to-disk capture hard drives. I would be able to shoot right to a device that attaches to the camera, eliminating the need to shoot on tape and capture footage, etc. I could then just shoot, dock to the laptop, drag and drop and edit.

OK... enough of this talk.

I have been sitting at Louie's pizza on Grand st in Paonia for happy hour, typing away off the library wireless across the street. Some new friends are having a birthday party and jam session later soon, so I am gonna finish up my pizza (mini beef, feta, black olive and jalapeno) and get movin' on.

Blah at ya later...




The Daily Blah  


I think I need to actually say something of interest instead of "here I am in Denver waking up, blah, blah, blah..."

I live in a train  


OK... Here's the deal...

I have two streams of video clips going now
- the daily (or nearly daily) update or whatever I am calling it PLUS
- older clips I've shot that I am splicing together

Here's one of the latter. This is the night after I let the dog bite on my arm (which reminds me, I need to re-edit that one).

Hello from Wondervu  


Uncovering America by Horseback  


Today I spent the afternoon and rest of the daylight with Bill, Brenda, Jonny and Blackie the Horse from Uncovering America by Horseback. They are also traveling with their dogs Millie, Tiger and Queenie. We shared stories, drank beers and shot arrows. Not all in that order.

I was on the road with them from June 2nd until I took a break to go to Burning Man at the end of August. I need to take care of a few more things here in Denver and will join them on the road in a couple weeks.

The Uncovering America mission is to rediscover and record on their website all the wonderful aspects of American life. From the small rural communities, to the open range and wilderness, they travel and update their website with pictures and stories about the people they meet and places they visit.

I am traveling with to film the adventure for a potential documentary or travel series of sorts...

It was great to see everyone. They look in good spirits, healthy and happy. However, there is still a financial strain on the team... as they really don't have the funding to make the trip. However, thanks the overwhelming kindness and generosity of the American people, they have made it this far. People donate hay, feed, water, showers, hotel rooms, meals and companionship to the team as they move from town to town at the pace of a horse...namely, Blackie.

It has been a fascinating discovery and journey into the heart of America.

Quick Hello