A Cold Nothing  


Frigid greetings from NYC

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Fiddling while Rome Burns  


I am sitting here now at the Continental Bar on 3rd Avenue and St. Marks in Manhattan, sucking down shots of Makers Mark, eating free pizza and surfing the 'net...fiddling while Rome burns.

click to

sushi party update  


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Mobile Update  


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Mobile Update  


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Mobile Update  



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live from Freedom's Ring NYC  


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House of Yes, Lady Circus wow them!  


What a show! Bravo!

A weary wanderer makes his way back to the train after seeing standing room only performances of Mickey Western and Lady Circus present the Rusty Gun Saloon at the Sky Box in the House of Yes.

Speechless! A must attend!

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kayti's midnight birthday moment  


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The Truck is back... almost  



After spending hours at the Brooklyn Dept of Finance to wait for my number to be called and to see clerks, processors, supervisors, judges, senior judges, back to the other window people and so on.

Also after spending hours re-arguing my case, traveling on the B57 bus back and forth twice from the tow pound and downtown... I finally got tired and surrendered to their request to have me pay my back fines of $233.

The summons that was ticketed for where my disabled truck had died, and resulted in them looking me up for past fines, was dismissed due to technicality. They listed my vehicle type as "SUBN", when it is indeed registered as "P/U", a pickup. This resulted in the no charge "N/C" dismissal of the normal $185 plus $20 per day storage fees normally incurred to retrieve a vehicle from the NYPD Tow Pound. So that saved me $185.

However, when it was ticketed, they also marked it as a "targeted tow". This is a program in the city dept of finance that allows them to tow you if you are parked illegally and also have over $100 of "in judgment" unpaid parking tickets.

Normally, if you have unpaid tickets under $350, nothing happens. If you go over that limit (as stipulated on the NY Finance website), your vehicle "may be subject to tow."

Usually, at that level, the tow can be from a legal parking spot as well. Private contractors can drive around neighborhoods, looking at plates and running a list. When these guys tow you as an NYPD "marshal" representative, they charge you more than a $300 "tow charge" before you can get your car back. Not the mere $178 city charge. What a lucrative gig, this towing business.

I look up my license plate all the time to manage my tickets and make sure I am not over $350 and eligible for towing marshal pickup. But, like they told me, there is some rule that allows them to look you up for plus $100 and execute a "target tow".

I argued that since the original infraction for illegal parking, upon which all the resulting actions were predicated, is judged to be dismissed and deemed invalid, then all resulting rules and decisions are indeed non valid and unenforceable.

Therefore, the New York Department of Finance cannot enforce action on me to pay my back tickets per their "targeted tow" rules because the reason for the tow was nullified. I should have been free and clear to simply retrieve my truck, while containing to maintain my responsibility to eventually pay the $233 in back fines.

I finally waived my hands in surrender to the clerk that had offered me all the people she knew of that could make a decision in my favor. She acknowledged my valiant efforts, but neither she nor any other were convinced on my logical analysis of technical grounds for dismissal of the enforcement.

So, now the truck sits in Queens... waiting for the garage to tell me what is wrong with it. And how much it will cost??

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soho loft accordian  


and i have a little eye make up going on

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Mobile Update  



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12th floor snowball  


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stood up by nypickup.com customer  


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Mobile Update  



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The day from hell  


What a nightmare!

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the truck is towed!!  


it gets worse

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major truck troubles  


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NYE Photo  


From Joe Che's Flickr set.

Mobile Update  



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Favorite falafel  


What an amazing meal on this pita!

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Further down the road audio blog  


How about my own docu reality show this year?

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live jazz from the bowery NYC  


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9/11 Truth Seeking is Painful  


Spending time at ground zero, asking tough questions and seeking answers is not always as simple as handing out a few fliers.

Sometimes, the reality of it all touches you very deeply....

But it doesn't stop the quest for Truth.

With Love and Respect,


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What is "Home"?  


Some people have asked me what it's like to be "homeless". That makes me wonder.... what is "home"? Is your house your home? Is a home a physical place? Is home a state of mind or a sense of well being? Is home where your Heart is?

One thing I've said about my recently radical mobile living experiment is that "when your truck is your bedroom, the rest of the world is your living room." As such, I tend to feel at home just about everywhere I roam.

My choice to live sans rent/mortgage as a sort of zero sum urban survival game is certainly exhilarating at a purely sport level. You learn more about yourself when you are not caught up in the engines of commerce, capitalism and commercialism. Giving my time to a job to pay rent is easily achievable. Not working and keeping time free for experience, observation, awareness, and reflection...that takes some real effort. But the rewards come in measures other than material wealth or disposable income.   They appear in the apprecation for the little things, as they say.  They come from the forming and furthering of new friendships that might not have happended if I was head down in an office creating more efficent ecommerce engines as in previous lives.

Yet, even when I lived a traditional life, there was a longing....a desire to reunite...to go Home. That's why I don't feel that home is a physical space. It's a mental plane. It's a platitude of existence within your mind that allows you to be content and at peace. The Now that is around you happens only once, and if you are too distracted by the demands of this society to pay attention, you might just miss it all.

I get the notion that there are many "lost" and wandering souls in this time on this planet. That we are all feeling, to some extent, disconnected from our true source of origin more so than ever before in human history.

We occupy the space of our lives with many "things", people, activities and experiences, but to what avail? Sure, we can find fulfillment for the senses, but where is the deeper meaning?

This is not to say that I (or we) don't have moments of "aha" where things align perfectly. When the sun creates a glistening eye, the flower bows gently to the breeze, and a peace settles in to the Now to remind us of the profound connectedness that we share to all of it.

In our separateness, in our ego's desire to be distinct and unique...we see one another, but lose sight of who we all are collectively. Perhaps striking a balance between polishing your own facet of the whole, while appreciating the grand beauty of the diamond of our combined lives allows the proper perspective to be maintained. 

Yet, I return to the wanderer in me, the traveler that, although loves this planet and feels comfortable on it, still wonders if he is really Home.  Will we be Home when we are finally reunited beyond physical space and time? Is this dimension only a stopping ground, a leaping pad to a higher vibrational existence that is yet to come?

Back to Earth.  

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE to have my own place... a space to host my friends, entertaining and making them feel adored and appreciated. I do miss that and will likely return to that existence when the time and proper opportunity presents itself.

Until then, I keep driving... searching, looking for the answers, seeking the Truth... longing for our Home.   Feel free to hop in for the ride, there's room on board.

Friday night steam  



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need sleep in 2009  


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