Update from Wondervu, CO  


Sitting in the cabin of my friend's mountainside getaway, listening to music and watching the sun stream thru the skylights, I reflect....

It's been over a week since I left Black Rock City. I miss it terribly. I emptied my truck out so I can begin to clean out as much of the playa dust as I can manage. It never really goes away, but I like to at least get out the larger piles of the soft, silty sand.

The elements are harsh; a scorching hot sun, blinding dust storms and chilly nights. But the beauty is beyond belief. See the star filled sky in every direction, glowing sunrises, a sliver of new moon. Magical.

The people at burning man are also amazing, giving, hard working, creative, crazy and cool. Big hearts abound and open doors around every corner. You always feel welcome, if you so choose to be. Saying "yes" to experiences are the only way to engulf yourself in participation.

Burning Man is hard to explain to anyone who hasn't been. Even when I see some of the videos, it's scale and tribal nature seems slightly foreign on screen. Yet, when I am there on the playa I feel like I am Home.

Here's a little sample video I found to give a taste:

And another about the Temple that they burn each year....

I am honored to have participated again this year and will bring the spirit of burning man to each person I meet across this land.

Talk to you later...


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