Two flat tires, a new paint job and some logs  


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3 comments: to “ Two flat tires, a new paint job and some logs

  • 9/25/08, 2:48 AM  

    Dude! I love the new paint job.

    I've been watching since you started. Keep it up.

  • 9/26/08, 11:52 AM  

    Missing you in NYC... good luck getting the truck fixed up, honey -- channeling good tire luck for you from here on out!

  • 1/7/09, 11:22 AM  

    It was totally great to meet you and hang out withyou at burningman08.
    Also, i can relate to your using a draw knife. It's not something most people know how to use! Just better watch "the boys" with that rail between your legs!

    I have helped put up 14 maypoles, and striping the bark off is one of my favorite tasks. When you strip a whole green tree, with a little care, you can cut off only and inch or so of bark. then using your hands you slowly strip it off. it ends up making these very long troughs which can be used as gutters, or as food trays!

    we serve food out of them after the maypole is raised.

    Hope you are doing well Brother!

    Cody ( of Josh and Cody)