Off to da U.P.
0 commentsShe is making a new home for herself in Ironwood MI. and I'll pull her her U-Haul 1300 miles.
My first big drive in a month. Where's Willie to play me out...
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I live in a helicopter
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Previously on A quick visit in a military chopper
I just finished watching this film. I'll watch it again. Just mesmerizing to me. Wonderfully relevant and quite a lot of insight into the human experience. I highly recommend it. Here's a little clip. Do yourself a favor and watch the whole thing sometime.
From Between Both Worlds
Monday, August 25, 2008
For more information read - If you feel you are a wandererThe role of the wanderers in these latter days, beginning perhaps fifty years ago now and coming to this present moment, has been to accelerate the speed at which the consciousness of Planet Earth was lightened and was lifted from the darkness of oppressive and repressive thinking, which focused upon early third-density behavior, such as defense and aggression when resources were considered desirable.
The new paradigm is that in which entities share and share alike, in which entities love each other, become harmonious with each other, and create one world of peace and prosperity. That kind of prosperity does not create huge differences in estate but rather tends toward that happy situation of there being enough of the resources that are needed for all entities.
It is not that this new paradigm can be put into effect and a new fourth-density planet be created in third density. That is not what we are saying. What we are saying is that in third density, the focus in terms of the purpose of third density is upon each emerging self-aware spirit or soul becoming able to make the free-will choice between the polarity of service to others and the polarity of service to self through faith alone.
The role of the wanderers, then, has been bravely and courageously to dare to enter into third-density incarnation, to come through the veil of forgetting, and then to count on their own awakening in time for them to join the lightening of Planet Earth in terms of where they put their energy and their love. Many are those wanderers who have waited until late to awaken, and so as each wanderer does awaken, it makes it ever more possible for other wanderers to awaken. And as the great bulk of wanderers begin to awaken, that makes it possible for the planetary population as a whole to awaken. So there really is a tipping point within the tipping point in terms of the awakening of the planet to love itself.
(Extract from L/L Research)
The account below is from a travel partner and fellow visual based artist, press photographer Nick...who shared my truck, along with political graffiti artist, Clark as we drove it from Brooklyn, New York to Denver, Colorado. Clark is the one pictured above in my current banner, by the way.
And, if you're counting...that makes two different groups of people I know who got arrested for taking pictures.
- Dallas
I hope I am not the only one who is shocked and outraged at the state of our Union. Below is a video report about the unconstitutional activity of the painfully obvious police state/martial law situation that exists in this country.
This video features some friends from the NYC Glass Bead Collective. I was supposed to travel to St. Paul after burning man to lend another layer of video support to the documentation of police activity during the RNC protests. It is very likely that I would have been with Vlad and the rest of the Glass Bead on the night they were illegally arrested and had their belongings taken from them.
Click below to expand to see the video.
Please wake up to this situation, turn off your TV, and research and be aware of the destruction of the U.S.A. We can restore the republic only if enough of us open our eyes and speak up. Tell your family, friends and neighbors to stop watching American Idol. It's time to take our country back by peaceful means, which means educating each and every American.
Sitting in the cabin of my friend's mountainside getaway, listening to music and watching the sun stream thru the skylights, I reflect....
It's been over a week since I left Black Rock City. I miss it terribly. I emptied my truck out so I can begin to clean out as much of the playa dust as I can manage. It never really goes away, but I like to at least get out the larger piles of the soft, silty sand.
The elements are harsh; a scorching hot sun, blinding dust storms and chilly nights. But the beauty is beyond belief. See the star filled sky in every direction, glowing sunrises, a sliver of new moon. Magical.
The people at burning man are also amazing, giving, hard working, creative, crazy and cool. Big hearts abound and open doors around every corner. You always feel welcome, if you so choose to be. Saying "yes" to experiences are the only way to engulf yourself in participation.
Burning Man is hard to explain to anyone who hasn't been. Even when I see some of the videos, it's scale and tribal nature seems slightly foreign on screen. Yet, when I am there on the playa I feel like I am Home.
Here's a little sample video I found to give a taste:
And another about the Temple that they burn each year....
I am honored to have participated again this year and will bring the spirit of burning man to each person I meet across this land.
Talk to you later...
Still processing everything... what an amazing adventure!
Just wanted to say that I am still alive. I'll write more later, but for now... just decompressing in Reno and re-entering the default world.
I can't wait for next year already.
“We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” -Abraham Lincoln
“The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are the constitutional rights secure.” - Albert Einstein
I seek Truth while celebrating our lives, liberties and pursuits of happiness! - Dallas J.