Save the Republic  


Save The Planet? How About Saving The Republic?
by Chuck Baldwin
July 30, 2008

Yesterday, the Politico quoted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as saying, "I'm trying to save the planet; I'm trying to save the planet." She was responding, of course, to pressure that she and her fellow Democrats are experiencing to suspend a congressional ban on offshore oil drilling in the face of skyrocketing energy prices. It would be really wonderful, however, if the liberal congresswoman could get as energized about saving our once great republic.

click to

Marquette, MI  


Hey... what's up? I've been on the road for a week or so. Traveling with Clark, we stop for the first night in Cleveland. After having a beer down by the water front and visiting the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, we stumble upon a rock concert. To my joyous surprise, it's one of my favorite bands, widespread panic. Killer show... only a couple thousand people, so you can walk right up front if you want. Too cool.

The next day we drive to Put-In-Bay, OH...taking the ferry onto the island. Clark has family, so we hung around with them and at their brand new waterfront/dockside bar and grill. Living the good life!

Finally, we make it to the real wilderness... the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We cross the Mackinac bridge, driving over the point where Lake Michigan and Lake Huron meet up. Three more hours of driving gets us from the northern tip of Lake Michigan to the southern shore of the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Superior.

Nothing but miles of wild pine forest, sandy lake shore, rivers, streams, waterfalls and some of the largest mosquitoes to ever consume your flesh. Nestled among it, on the harbor is Marquette. A college town that grows from about 15,000 to 23,000 when students are in town attending, Northern Michigan University.

We have been exploring a bit, mingling with family and friends and enjoying the fresh air and bright northern sunshine. Clark has been hunting for mural space to paint. There is an art show this weekend called Art on the Rocks.We may stay for that opening day, then off to Cleveland and back to Brooklyn.

Hope to see you on the way.... maybe a stop in Detroit to catch up with an old friend. We'll see what the road brings....


Dance Naked  


First of all...Happy Birthday Mom! I'll call you soon. Or maybe you'll read this first....

It's too damn hot in the city. Who sings that song? "Hot damn, summer in the city...". Loving Spoonful?? anyway...

The truck is loaded for driving and ready to go. Almost.... I just dropped it down the street for an oil change and to check the timing on the engine. It's been mis-firing. And need to fix my spare... then... off to new adventures.

I'm taking a week or so to go to Marquette, MI to visit family. My friend clark is coming with me. He has a court date in Cleveland for allegedly spraying graffiti. He also painted my truck, but I didn't press charges.

The ritual life celebrations with the tribe of friends have continued. Last weekend's festivities included donning a mask with a dozen other people and getting naked at 4am and dancing throughout the Danger warehouse party until the sun came up. Several people were spontaneously inspired to strip it off as well and frolic in their new found freedom. I don't usually make a habit of dancing naked, but it was liberating to say the least. Sunday was a slow going recovery day after only a couple hours of sleep. But we still managed to make it to Wonderland for a lovely deck side barbecue. I love all the people I've met in NYC since returning from the desert.

OK... time to hit the road. Many more adventures await.... stay tuned.


Moving day  


And a beautiful day it is.

New adventures await as I again go mobile....

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Back in the truck  


Time to ramble on.

Mermaid Parade 2008 Highlights  


Live from Coney Island.

P.S. I am less than happy with the quality of the conversion at YouTube. I must find a better host for videos. They degrade it way too much.

Hot Fun in the Summertime  


I have been busy lately... pardon the interruption of what was more regular programming... This year is amazing so far. It's magickal for sure. The Summer of One is upon us. Let's get it on!

I knew moving into this artist enclave that time was limited for residents on the first floor. Now it's official....I will be out of here by the middle of next week. It's complicated, but has to do with the city inspecting the building and finding violations in terms of the landlord being allowed to rent the floor as a residence. It's supposed to be commercial.

Meanwhile, I have made a host of friends here and blossomed in new ways already. I really dig communal living arrangements. It helps you to examine yourself in context of all the interpersonal interaction that is inevitable when living together. It make for good socially conscious evolution.

Let's see... what else has been going on? So much stuff! Figment was amazing. If you've never been out to Governors Island in the NYC harbor, you should treat yourself. The land is covered by beautiful rolling hills, trees and meadows. It's a step out of time and a respite from the city madness. The ferry ride is free, so do yourself a favor and go explore. You can even take your bike out there and ride around all day. Soak it up! I was fortunate enough to get a chance to kayak down the east river from Long Island City, under all the bridges and right to the island. wow!

Last weekend the island was transformed by some of the most creative, interactive and participatory art happening anywhere in the world. The event sprung forth from the NYC Burning Man community. As such, the vibe was all about sharing, giving and joining in. I shot a bunch of video from this as well as from the Mermaid parade from last weekend. I met another editor who also does mad crazy and wonderful things with hula hoops (check out GrooveHoops). He'll spin out a little highlight video sometime next week. I am looking for a really solid editor for future collaborations. Maybe this is the one.

Mermaid was a blast. I dressed up, marched on the boardwalk, shucked oysters on the fly and danced on the streets of Coney Island. It was the time of my life. And what a lucky life it is that I Love so dearly.

Music has been ever present in my scene, as usual. Lately it's all about dub, bass, electronica. One of my housemates is a mega talented DJ/Producer. His current project Sub Swara is sick. And the soon to be weekly event he holds, called Church at the club named Love is a place to set your spirits free. Ecstatic dervish like dancing in a super peaceful, healing environment with some of the thickest, fattest soul drenching low frequencies you'll ever experience. The sound at this village club is phenomenal. I've filmed some of his shows and probably will do some more. People need to feel this music. It's transformative.

This weekend is get-out-of-the-city time. Upstate to camp with like minded fools. There will be new and old friends, swimming holes, waterfalls, hiking, fireworks, guns, propane explosions, whiskey, women, dancing... whew... the good life.

So, in all this... I move back into the truck. If I get a little funding, I want to add a good mix of cameras in the truck so that I can begin to broadcast live. I have a switcher, but need lipstick cameras, wiring, powersource, etc. We'll see what transpires this month. I will live in and out of the truck and NYC for July with a probable visit to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to visit my roots. Then after my birthday in August, get ready to drive west to Burning Man in Nevada.

Other missions this year include waking up the general population of citizens in this country to the tyranny and systems of control that exist all around them. Big Brother fascism and the dissolution of the rights of the People is occurring on all fronts. It's time to take a stand. It's time to educate. It's time to celebrate the Constitution and Bill of Rights in a way that make people take notice of the elements of a free society that are necessary to maintain true Liberty and Prosperity for all.

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it seriously. Live Free or Die. Restore the Republic. But, don't forget to have fun too!