NY Pickup  


Need a hand? nypickup.com



A Slice of Light  


Some of my handy work  


I had a friend ask if I could create a podcast of her fashion event/website launch. Here's the final product. I did this one in exchange for the month I've been staying in their spare room.

I'm going to pursue making more of these. She has already asked me to do another one at a Washington DC event next month, this time, for straight pay. Sweet. I'm pretty good at it and the money is worth the time.

Mr Sick boy  


Besides whining about being sick, I talk a little about how I earn money to fund my projects/living. I started nypickup.com to fund my liberation from corporate slavedom. I also knew I would do a great job of serving people and helping out when they needed it.

I've actually had several futon and bed deliveries that allowed people to move up from sleeping on the floor. That's satisfying. To know that I helped contribute to somebody's good night of sleep.

It's not always joy though. Wait until you hear how this bronx wardrobe pickup turned out... easily my new number one least favorite job.

to be continued...

Happy Sunday (belated)  


Giants Win  


I watched the Super Bowl. What a great game! I haven't been in to pro sports for a while, but being in NY for the Giants win was a thrill. The streets came alive after the game... fans yelling out their apt windows, hooting in the streets, honking horns and gathering en masse in Times Square to high five and celebrate. It was a great scene. I shot some footage of the festivities and will edit it down later

Here's a little sample:

I've been a little quiet lately, eh?  


Been working in NYC with my little moving business, NYpickup.com, trying to save up some money for living and working expenses. I am giving some thought to staying here into the fall this year. Although, I will probably go down to Florida in a month to be there for the birth of my sister Staci's baby. Her and her husband Scott are expecting at the end of March.

A fellow filmmaker friend owns a small apt house/bldg in Long Island City and I might live there rent free in exchange for being first call for his tenants should they require any assistance. It seems like a great opportunity to live and work in New York for very little money. That'll free up more time for editing the Uncovering America by Horseback footage and still allow me to collaborate with other artists and filmmakers around the city.

I've had some friends offer me their couches and spare rooms out of the kindness of their hearts. I am happy to sleep in my truck, but why turn town a larger, warmer room if they insist, right? Probably another month of roaming and working the city, then down to Florida, then back here in April. At least that's the plan at the moment. All subject to change.

Hope you are having a great day wherever you are!

See you further on down the road....