Out of Gas  


Driving in Queens, NY

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Urgent Diesel  


Must have pants!

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Chaos in soho  


Paint outside the lines.

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Apple Pie Day  


It's warm and tasty outside in NYC.

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Back in NYC  


Been back for a few days... I do more utterli audio updates and twitter status' then main blog posts. But, I had a long drive from Chicago to Manhattan Saturday night. I danced and celebrated at the Kostume Kult Kryptozoology party until the sun came up, then went to an after party... eventually sleeping from 2pm Sunday until 6pm. Then I went to another friend's birthday party until about 2am.

I'm finally caught up on sleep, but am off now to yet another birthday celebration. Tough life, eh? party after party after party.. who has time to work when you're having so much fun.

more later

- D

Truck Troubles  


I'm sitting at the Border Grill on Washington St in Marquette waiting for my mahi mahi burrito with spinach, mushrooms, onions and, of course...addded 'fuego' sauce (it's GOT TO BE HOT!). Yum. Yum. I always eat here when I am in my hometown.

My truck is at Marquette Automotive. After pulling that U-Haul from Denver the other day, I noticed that there is a "whine" in the wheels/differential/transmission.

So, before I start the trek to Manhattan, I better get it inspected. Let's hope it is a simple fix, costing less than $100, because if more, then it will be VERY tight with funds to be able to afford the gas to New York.

Keep your fingers crossed.....

UPDATE: Spent $50 to find out my front differential is screwed. Forget 4 wheel drive now...not without $2000 of repairs. Damn.

Marquette Mi  


Here's a few glimpses of Marquette that I shot a couple years ago on a random afternoon....