People I meet: Robert Blackgoat  


Forgive the overexposure... it was a little dark and backlit, so I had to pump up the light.

This is a little interaction with a guy visiting the area who I befriended for a short time. He told me that he helped as a storyboard artist on a 1979 film called Black Stallion. I added his credit to the Internet Movie Data Base (IMDB)

Episode 3 - Groceries  


WARNING: Boring, with a capital B... but, hey... who cares?

Episode 2 - Lava Hot Springs  


My new favorite place is Lava Hot Springs Idaho. I have so much fun floating on, swimming in and soaking next to the Portneuf river. It's a quiet little town that comes alive in the summers and on the weekends, catering to travelers looking to soak away their cares in mineral rich thermals springs that bubble up from under the ancient lava flows.

click to

Episode 1 - What is this VLOG?  


Well, this is not so much an episode as a continuation of the footage I shot after my "welcome" intro post. I haven't yet come up with a format for what these posts or clips will look like, contain or feature. But, for now... it is what it is.

I've been living in this truck since mid March of this year. I am traveling across the country filming a documentary about a guy riding his horse across America (see

Stay tuned! Launched!  


OK.... So here I am... I have a VLOG now... that's a Video Blog. And a word that still sounds weird to pronounce.

Anyway, it's all so exciting isn't it? We'll see. Stay tuned....

Here is the first clip I made to launch the site and I have dozens more piling up that I need to upload...

Feel free to comment or ask any questions.