Anonymous comment  


Someone just sent a comment saying I am a hypocrite because I drive on roads and protest personal income tax and out of control spending.

Do the understand how roads get paid for under what budgets and what taxes are used (local and state taxes, gas, tolls, etc)?

Probably not. Just an ignorant remark, hiding behind a 'no-name' face.

Republicans "TeaBagging"  


All the distracting sexual innuendos aside...  it's sad how the media has co-opted this very real, spontaneous citizen movement and taken over the story to portray it as a republican or conservative based slam on Obama.

I thought protesting the arguably unconstitutional income tax is more along the lines of the same tyranny and oppression that united us in the first place.  In fact, I don't know why we all fall prey to the ideology that a 2-party system is all that there is.   In all actuality, there is only ONE party running this show, really...RepubliCrat, as some have called it.  This fake left-right/liberal-conservative paradigm keeps us in competitive mode... better for civil strife, division and unrest than allow us time to figure out their game and actually step outside of it.

Then again, the Dept of Homeland Security does pay attention to those who stray outside the gated community, even calling out specifically for those who support 3rd party candidates.  How sad is that?

However,  millions upon millions of Americans and freedom lovers worldwide are opening their minds and waking up to the stark reality that is upon us... not quite critical mass or enough to topple the propaganda machines and remove the shawdowy gov't running the show, but it's still hope on the horizon....and NOT the kind of hope you sell on a t-shirt or in a campaign slogan.

Fire at the House  


Ok... so not really a five alarm situation. Just some of my favorite friends over for a party I hosted. Here, Samantha and Lauren get things sizzling hot with their performance.

On the way to the horned ball 5  


An audio blog of babble. Enjoy.

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